Join The Healers & Teachers Lab!

An “Acceleration Space” for Meditation & Yoga Teachers, Healers, Breathwork Facilitators, Coaches, Therapists, & Spiritual Guides.

Sunday January 14 - Sunday March 24th, noon - 12:30 pm EST

The Healer’s Lab Monthly Payments

  • Bi-Weekly, 90 minute group coaching sessions over 3 months. (6, 90 min calls).

  • Meet every 2nd and 4th Sunday from 12:00 - 1:30 pm EST beginning Jan 7th.

  • Slack Channels for accountability, celebrating progress, peer support and coaching, and inspiration.

  • PDF’s, Exercises, and Practices as we go!

  • Optional private coaching (monthly or as a discounted add-on)

    3-Month Autopay



    ($25/month discount through Dec 20th)

The Healer’s Lab, Pay & Save

  • Twice monthly, 90 minute group coaching for 3 months (6, 90 minute calls.)

  • Meet every 2nd and 4th Sunday from 12:00 - 1:30 pm EST starting Jan 7th.

  • Slack Channels for accountability, celebrating progress, coaching, and inspiration.

  • PDF’s, Exercises, and Practices as we go.

  • Optional private coaching (monthly or as a discounted add-on)

One-time Payment and Save $84!



(MTT Students Through Dec 20th)

Private Coaching. (Add-on)

  • 60-minute private coaching sessions to use during month one, two, or three of this training.

  • Use our time to clarify your strategy and goals, identify actionable steps, shift through resistance, or to workshop a specific project.

  • Sessions are great to boost inspiration, confidence, and clarity as well as deepening the group container.

  • Sessions available at a discount ($150) through Dec 20th. Prices will increase to $175 at that time.

  • Purchase 1 or 2 sessions for the duration of this training!


(60 minute coaching session)

First monthly payment holds your place and covers January. Monthly payments resume Feb 1.*

Discounts Available for MTT Students through Wed, December 20th!

What we’ll be diving into.

Build a sustainable, empowered & enjoyable teaching & healing business!

  • Connect twice-monthly to clarify and develop our biz strategies, embodied and aligned visions, and take embodied action with support and coaching.

  • Lean into resistance, vulnerability, inspiration, and steady expansion.

  • Amplify the momentum you feel for this work and during 3 months — take focused time to accelerate your process as an entrepreneur.

  • Group coaching, learn tools, learn from each other, share and receive vulnerably, and build inspiration into ACTION.

  • Workshopping our branding, messaging, services, technology, social platforms, and the practical elements of birthing our visions into form!

  • Learn how to map, takes aligned steps, and navigate the entrepreneurial journey!

  • Embodied Business

    Learn to tap into your body and energy to shift resistance and take consistent, embodied steps.

  • Strategy & Accountability

    Think of your strategy as the container that holds your passions, offerings, and service. Clarify and tweak your strategy for a happy medium that meets your needs as well as serves clients with joy. Take steps each month with accountability.

  • Peer Support & Group Coaching

    The magic is in community We strengthen in healthy community where vulnerability can thrive and resistances melt away. We’re on “unique journeys” and coming together serves to amplify progress and confidence.

About Your Facilitator.

I have been fortunate to support over 400 industry-leading healers, meditation and yoga teachers, breathwork facilitators, psychotherapists, and orgs as an intuitive coach, business strategist, training producer, and marketing strategist. I am also a clairvoyant reader and trauma-informed energy healer.

Some of the people I have worked with include Sounds True, HeartMath, Wim Hof, David Gandelman, Sharon Salzberg, Energy Matters Academy, Robert Wright, Mirabai Starr, Damien Echols, Jack Kornfield, Eckhart Tolle’s Team, Revelation Breathwork, and countless others!

We all deserve to grow a sustainable business that meets our needs sustainably while being of service with why we came to this damn planet, and in integrity with ourselves. One challenge, unlike other professions, is the roads and systems haven’t been clearly paved for us — our generations are doing that NOW — 

I’ve been VERY fortunate to work with and coach some of the world’s leading healers, teachers, and guides — learning how they think, envision, make decisions, plan and create projects, move through obstacles, grow, and create. As a spaceholder and guide, our strength is in community where our energy, confidence, and transformation gets hugely amplified. I am here to hold a healing and inspiring container to help you learn, learn into resistance and create strides in your business.

What’s Included

Twice Monthly Group Coaching

6, 90-minute Sessions over 3 months. Every other Sunday.

Private Coaching (Optional)

1, 60-minute Private Coaching Session During the 3 Months.

Multiple Slack Channels

For Accountability, Progress, Wins, Coaching Each Other, & Feedback.

PDF’s & Exercises

As We Go, I’ll share PDF’s, Tools & Exercises for Taking Steps

Direct Access to Matt

In Group & Private Coaching. I’ll also pop in and out of Slack!

Community & Accountability

Amplify our energy, clarity, inspiration and progress together!

Testimonials from Industry Leading Clients!

“Working with Matt was a joy. I felt deeply seen and tenderly held as together, we uncovered my unique gifts and shaped them to meet an authentic need in the world. This collaborative approach gave birth to an online training that conveys the essence of my work in a fresh, accessible and relevant form.”

Mirabai Starr

Internationally Renowned Spiritual Teacher and Author of 12 books including Wild Mercy

“I had the pleasure of working with Matt on crafting my vision for my upcoming online training. Working through a massive amount of information he helped me distill the elements that would best serve my students and the curriculum we put together has been the foundation for the training I launched. I couldn’t be happier with the results. Matthew is skilled, capable and a joy to work with.”

Damien Echols

Internationally Renowned Spiritual Teacher, Author of multiple best selling books including “High Magick”, and character in the Netflix Show, “The Midnight Gospel”.

“Over the last two and a half years Matt has helped me design and launch two, year-long Certification Trainings in the Energy Healing and Meditation Teacher Training spaces; co-designing our curriculums, designing and managing the entire launch, and managing the production of our programs. Matt also helped me design the Meditation School App, many of my Insight Timer courses, set-up our ad funnels for list-growth and has guided my team through many expansions and steps as the structures of my businesses have shifted and expanded over these past years.”

David Gandelman,

Spiritual Teacher, Top 10 Teacher on Insight Timer, and Author of 7 Energies of the Soul.

Clarify Your Vision, Energy, and Goals.

See What Clients Say!


How often will we meet and how many group-coaching calls are there?

We will meet twice a month on Zoom for 90 minutes, as a group during this 3 month container we are co-creating. I’ll also pop in and out of Slack weekly, as well as will facilitate those channels for engagement and interaction among each other. If you sign-up for private coaching, we will additionally meet 60 minutes on Zoom for strategy, coaching, and shifting resistance..

How many people are you open to having in the container?

The container will have 12 students max, but 6-8 would also be brilliant! I will keep the container small enough that we all get personal time to share each session. We will also have break-out rooms each week to have more personal exchanges. If you choose to add private coaching in between group sessions that will also accelerate your process and deepen our group time together.

What is the refund policy?

Refunds are available for 7 days after purchase. No refunds will be issued beyond this time window. The space is limited to 8-12 students and so spaces need to be held for those who are committed to this particular growth and group container to attend!

What are some of the strategies we might learn and work on?

This container will be a mix of vulnerability and meeting our resistance, clarifying our over-arching strategies, branding and services, taking aligned and consistent steps each week and month towards our vision, and throwing mud at the wall creatively and play. We’ll craft and clarify our over arching stratgies, services at different levels of your funnel, get clear on what excites your body and spirit, clarify branding, set-up tech, and learn different entrepreneurial strategies that work.

All of this said, with all the knowledge you can acquire, navigating and being on the journey is where people tend to get caught, and a group, we can amplify and accelerate our processes for a particular growth period we are moving through!

We’ll also be learning how to discern what’s available and what lights you up that meets the needs of yourself and your clients.

What are some of your strategies with entrepreneurship?

Well, I have coached a lot of people and no business looks alike on the inside, and no journey was the same. So, we can work with different strategies that act as a “sustainable container” for your passions, spirit and services to flow into. We also each get to “bake” or “mature” and grow into ourselves at each stage. We can look at how many students you’d like to have in different service types, the ways you enjoy teaching and serving, and your financial goals to envision, strategize and plan backwards. There’s no “one way” to do it! It’s a process involving energetics, strategy, intuition, self-trust, confidence building, skill-building, love, and a whole lot more — but I PROMISE YOU, you are not all that different (at all) from the hundreds of people I’ve worked with who’s businesses may seem far away.

Need Your Questions Answered?

Curious to see if this is aligned for you? Reach out for a 15 minute chat.

Let’s Connect!

Stay in the loop about our meditations, workshops, discounts and healing sessions.