Intuitive Reading and Trauma Release

Intuitive Reading, Energy Healing and Trauma Release to align with your soul’s essence, heal the emotional body, and tend to the parts that need love

Align With Your Soul’s Essence

Release emotions, clear mental & energetic blockages and heal the inner child to align with your soul’s essence.

I’m skilled at seeing energetic blocks and what’s unfolding in your subtle-energy field, physical body, emotions, specific memories, self-images and astral body that may be creating blocks in your life — such as unprocessed emotions, stuck traumas and “charges”, beliefs, and inner parts that may need attention, Presence or love for you to grow and expand, or simply feel at peace.

As we reconnect with unconditional love for all of ourselves, we naturally shift our energy and connect with self love and authentic power.

Intuitive Reading and Energy Healing Sessions

Intuitive reading, trauma releqse and energy healing sessions are about ‘holding space’ for your truth to emerge to be seen, felt, and held. We begin with a conversation and intuitive reading of your subtle energy, phsyical body, emotional blocks and layers, inner-selves, higher dimensional bodies, and inner child to guide your process. It’s a blend of intuitive reading, channelling, spaceholding and energy work. I tend to '“see” what emotions and energies are stuck in your body, how your energy is expanding, along with the memories and old ‘states of being’ attached to blocks. We gently touch upon what you’re ready to meet in your own awareness to feel and clear.

As you release old energy, emotions, stuck self-images and impressions from your space, you’ll find clarity and more alignment with lightness, essence and natural expression.

One time 90 minute session or a shorter 45-minute session.


Shadow Work and Inner Child Healing

Our “Soul’s Essence” gets knotted up in unprocessed feelings and experiences, stuck impressions and energy that create separate “selves” in our field of awareness. You can think of these selves as unintegrated energies and old “states of Being” that effect your unique expression. In shadow work we enter an altered state of awareness and connect with Spirit, your essence, somatic sensations and inner “selves” to hold loving dialogue and mend what feels lost.

Because time stands still and everything is happening Now, we can call invite our energies and power from different times in our life as well as past lives to the present, rewrite stories, and create self intimacy with parts of yourself in the unfolding Now. Shadow work involves inner-child work, intuitive reading, timeline therapy, soul retrieval, spaceholding and energy healing.

One time 90 minute session or 1 month containers available.

Breathwork Sessions

Breathwork for Emotional Release and Embodied Connection

Private breathwork ceremonies to connect with higher energy in a gentle, yet altered state. This allows you to release long stored emotions from the body and for unconditional love to seep in and do it’s work. Sessions include opening conversation and guided meditation, 35 minutes of guided belly-chest breathing with music while I hold the space and guide you into your subtle energy, followed by 10 minutes of meditation and 10 minutes for reflection. As you’re breathing there’s an option for me to read your energy and guide your awareness with the intentions you set.

One time 75 minute session or series

Words from Clients!

“Matt’s words were very confirming and he picked up on insights and blocks with clarity I’d been becoming aware of over the last couple years. Our session felt very reassuring. He tapped into my field and brought up my own energy in ways that gave me confidence to walk my path. Matt didn’t just read, but energy actually shifted out and cleared while we spoke. We released energy from my solar plexus and throat primarily. This profoundly helped me release the blockages that feed different patterns, facilitating a true shift!”

-Andrew, C.

“I can’t recommend energy work with Matt highly enough! He is kind, gentle and wise, yet the work is deep and profound. I had major breakthroughs over the course of two sessions and was able to make great strides in healing childhood traumas that we’re blocking access to my fullest, happiest self. My heart is open and I feel more grounded and connected to life, as well as to my lower three chakras in ways I maybe never have. Matt is the real deal!”

-Bridgette, B.

“I’ve tried time and time again with formal therapy to work on the unresolved traumas of my childhood and genuinely feel like I’ve wasted money and time. Within my first session with Matt he intuitively found the root cause of my subconscious distress and led me through a somatic experience that provided fresh perspective. Unlike my experience with traditional therapy, I walked away with powerful insights that left me feeling healed and empowered.”

- Andrea, M.

Intuitive Reading, Energy Healing and Inner Child Sessions

Meet, Matthew.

My teaching and healing journey began in 2008 when a series of awakenings and transcendant experiences began to unfold. During this period, I consciously connected to my abilities to connect to and sense the Divine, as well as to see and feel subtle energies, energy fields, energy bodies, nuanced emotions, inner-selves, altered states of being, people’s inner-parts and alternate timelines, and other subtle elements of our reality. Little did I know, my path was really about healing and returning to self-love and self-worth.

While I’m a trained intuitive reader, yoga and meditation teacher, reiki practitioner and breathwork facilitator, my training has come through more then a decade of countless cycles of healing and transformation — death and rebirth — with guidance and weekly mentorship with dozens of shamans, shamanic practitioners, intuitive healers and readers, psychotherapists, energy healers and guides. Since 2017, I have also coached and produced trainings and courses for 300+ industry leading spiritual teachers such as Wim Hof, Damien Echols, Robert Wright, Sharon Salzberg, David Gandelman, HeartMath, Sounds True, Revelation Breathwork, Energy Matters and hundreds more. Business Readings and Healing Sessions are available as well.

Want to Learn to See, Read and Heal Energy? I Teach Private Lessons!

I offer 60 and 90 minute private lessons in how to open your 3rd eye, subtle intuitive senses and hold space as an intuitive healer and reader.

Let’s Connect!

Recieve free meditations and invitations to ceremonies, workshops and discounts on private healing sessions.